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Our Christmas Trees

Which variety will you pick this year?

Abies nordmanniana


Our best-selling trees are Nordman Fir. They are a non-drop variety, with brilliant needle retention, making them ideal for in your home. They have a deep green colour and rounded, plump needles which makes this a stunning variety. 


Nordman Fir's originate from the Caucasus mountains in Georgia.

Nordman Fir

Strong Needle

Picea abies


The traditional Norway Spruce tree is a highly scented tree. Displaying mid-green thin needles, it creates a beautifully shaped tree. As it does drop its needles it is best collected closer to Christmas if you want to display it indoors. We also recommend this variety as an outside tree too. 


Norway Spruce originate from Northern and Central Europe. 

Norway Spruce

Norway Spruce
Norway Spruce.jpg


Abies Fraseri


With a stunning citrus fragrance and a slender, conical appearance, the Fraser Fir is quickly becoming a favourite. The tree has strong needle retention and very strong branches making them fantastic to display your best baubles on!


Fraser Fir originate from the Appalachian Mountains in North America.

Fraser Fir

Fraser Fir

Citrus Scent

Picea Pungens


The eye-catching Blue Spruce boasts the most unusual silvery-blue colour to its needles. Blue Spruce have strong branches with sharp needles and a sweet, piney fragrance too.


Blue Spruce originate from the Rocky Mountains in North America.


Blue Spruce are available in Pot Grown Trees only.

Blue Spruce

Blue Spruce

Silvery- Blue Apperance

Our pot grown Christmas trees are available in: Fraser Fir, Norway Spruce, Nordman Fir and Blue Spruce. 


These pot grown Christmas trees are still alive making them ideal for planting in a larger pot or the garden. Depending on the care they receive they can survive for several years!


Available from 2ft-7ft tall. 

Pot Grown Trees

Perfect Christmas Trees Cumbria (3).JPG

Plant in the
Garden after Christmas

If you would like to grow your very own Christmas tree we have tiny saplings available. 


Plant these little saplings in your garden and enjoy watching your tree grow over the next few years. We are on hand to provide our best tips to help you along the way!


Grow Your Own

Christmas Tree

Perfect Christmas Trees.jpg

A Brilliant Stocking Filler!

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